My female best friend sure knows me, BUT I swear I'ma do ALLL my chores today, It's "Scrubbing Day" as Pipi would say. Being like a month into not having constant back pain, I'm finally getting back to the things I once did for Work & Play & Love ! People don't know many of the secrets I once hid, like my feelings for guys but now that SO much of my life is in the open & free to comment on, I live a more honest life that's more fun than I ever had as a secret homo. It's a life that's honest & fun and here to inspire you to also live the life of your Dreams, cause YOU can! I just had a chat with my amazing Mother and walked into my kitchen where I run my 'Empire' from. I saw a "Single Rainbow" and I "Turned my Camera on" So hopefully I will be famous and do my very best to make this world a better place! -Nicholas Stamps

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