Nik Stamps Photographer, Filmmaker & Starving Artist. Please check out his YouTube for his work in music videos, comedies, fashion films & documentaries, thanks!
Happy Friday the 13th!My New Film project, enjoy Hike & tour of ‘Hermit’s Cave’ Mysterious Doomsday Cult 'Cave of Kelpius’ 1690’s mystic monks lost in history! Enjoy my latest film & thanks!!
Here's a G+ play list featuring some of Nik Stamps' best films. Featuring his music videos, fashion films, comedies & more! Thanks for viewing & enjoy!
Video Clips of Nik Stamps’ best Films! This is a NEW 2-Min ‘Horror Fashion Film’ by Nik Stamps and features some clips of the many films he’s edited over the last four to seven. Hope you will check it out please!
Sunday, July 9, 2017
So I went back & tweaked a classic film of mine! I added another music video, added Lady Gaga's narration & changed some of the still pics at the end. Check it out! This film is made of 6 pieces to make a 12-minute Horror Fashion Film of my best music video work! Watch It Here!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
I woke up early, did some yoga, then decided to watch this film of mine. It's 45-mins of my best music videos, fashion films & spoken word pieces. It's strung together in a narrative about love, abuse, loss, coming out gay & rebirth. I'm just shocked at what I created! It took 15 years to make it but now that I have moved on & grown, I can look at my film in a new light. I always try to stay humble & destroy my ego but this is genius. It's truly my life's work, it will last long after I die. It's such a unique piece of art. I feel I transcended to a level of creation that I might never achieve again. I'm just so proud of what I put all my heart into. I love art & spent my entire life working to make something unique that tells a story only I can tell. I wish it could pay my bills but any true artist is a starving artist. Without a camera, I would have no soul. Please watch my film, it's all I ever ask of the world, let me "turn my camera on" and tell you a story about my heart. My Suicide Art!Watch It!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Hot naked blond girls, beefy guys with abs, money, sex tapes, fashion & rock n roll! What's your favorite thing? Nik's NEW fashion music video. Nik took 7 videos & edited them into one sexy, hot, dirty, freaky & raunchy film! Enjoy as it took two years to finish!
I put together a play-list my best work, it's four separate films running at 3-hours. It features my music videos, comedies, documentaries & fashion films. It's the best presentation of my work. Enjoy & Thanks if you do!
So0o my Vlog will be coming soon! Taken a few weeks to figure out the format. Will have a main topic, like first episode, bed wetting ex-boyfriend. Then I will fill in the rest with reviewing a lot of my FB statuses, going more in depth, adding more jokes & explaining.
Here's my NEW film for June Ninth 2016. It's a collection 15 music videos & spoken word videos. They are strung together in a loose narrative that deals with love, loss, coming out, abuse and rebirth! It took about six years to complete it and it truly almost cost me my life on a handful of occasions. I hope you will take the time to watch it. Thanks!
It was a hard day. Holidays can always be hard if you want them to be that is, Christmas, etc but it's harder when a Holiday is based on someone you've lost. Mother's Day started hard on me but the day got better & better traveling to NJ to see other Mothers & I even ended up at the ER at Lourdes, it was for a someone's friend but I mention it as it was my first time is that hospital since I was born. I miss my Mother so badly. I think I'm going to make contact with the father I haven't heard from since 1986 who lives in Taiwan. I have 2 half Asian brothers. I miss having the work ethic I used to. I went to school 25+ years with a Bachelor's & Master's yet with coming out gay & "resetting" my life 5 years ago, then stricken with chronic back pain & lost jobs/insurance, I was a lil setback but I carry on & will do great again. Life's getting better & thankful to be back online thanks to a generous Mother, so I need to work, my idol is a workaholic; I strive to be rich and famous and looking 26 at 50+ time to work bitch! Great interview!
MY NEW FILM! It's a beautiful life, it's my life, It's my Versailles! I did a total re-edit & mash-up of 3 Dior Fashion Films set to No Doubt! Please Enjoy this feast for your eyes!
Here's my channel on YouTube, it's comprised of 50 unique videos from music videos, comedies, documentaries & fashion films! Please check it out, as I promise you'll be entertained or I'll give you $50! Nik's Channel!
This personal film project was a huge undertaking when I created it during all of 2008. It's a 57 minute 'variety show' comprised of a dozen+ short comedy films, music videos & other silliness all from my teen years. It's mainly shot during 1998 when I got a video camera & Super-8 film camera. It's great 90's nostalgia & tons of 90's music! Enjoy & take care my friends!
Just listened to the full album for the first time... I loved it, hated it & ended with sorta enjoying it. It starts off all about sex, gets into drugs & jewels, takes it to fashion. It gets a lil creative but still shallow feeling. Yet the album finally ends very well with basic piano, booze and deeper feelings about love and not wanting to be alone in the end of the night but still needing the world's applause/approval. So basically it's a perfect album to sum up what being 20-something is like. I liked it cause I was the koons, but now the koons is me?!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Photography shoots in Spain is no pain but coming home to no phone/net surely does! Back online for a little time as the "show" is on hiatus but I am planning a Halloween Premiere of a new Music Video that's been a curse in my life for too many years! So if all goes well it'll be a Halloween Miracle, if the video gets done, posted AND clears the new copyright issues YouTube is giving me these days! Let us cast a circle & pray!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Well it's the 3rd Anniversary of being on YouTube. In 2010 I started to post my work and three years later I am so thrilled as to what my Channel has become. I never expected the direction it took me but I'm close to breaking 50,000 views of my channel! It's not much in viral hits compared to what is possible online but knowing I've been viewed that many times makes me so happy & proud and I'm so thankful I can share my work with the world! Nik's Channel
Friday, August 9, 2013
So0o here we go, NEW episode of the NikNyK ShOw! This one is bizarre but I guess all my work is freaky. This is a tribute to a loved one who passed away, I attempt to read a poem he wrote, I hope people like it & accept it. ENJOY!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
My Mom is a huge John Lennon fan, so when I was a child the teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up...I repeated John's words, I wannabe happy.....decades later I am happpy, so0o happy, I live a grreat life & I never let those teachers tell me I was wrong with my bizarre answers, in the end they kicked me outta that repressed Christian school & now I could buy that school & free those other kids!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Ohh the future....The Undiscovered Country, filled with pain, filled with love, how I fear thee, how I cling to thee, take me gently, take me hard, just keep me in this moment forever. -Nik Stamps
"Statue of Liberty Torch World Trade Center on Horizon 1985"
Thursday, July 18, 2013
It's so odd, it feels oh so long ago...I guess it has been a while, just two years but it feels like 20 years ago that I came out gay, to myself, to my family and my friends all at once. If you had to look at my life, indulge my delusions of grandeur and stroke my ego. I'd have to say the moment I stepped into the spotlight was with the simple 10 second 'confession' of also liking guys in this music video. I was too afraid to say I only like guys at that point. That's the 'Hollywood' moment of my 'rise to fame' but it truly began with me accepting myself, my gay side personally in my heart. So than it was time for telling the world. It was a true epic confession only revealed to my family & friends all at once with the posting of this silly music video on June Ninth, 2011 at 6PM. I thoroughly milked it for all it was worth. It was like some huge Hollywood premiere, it felt that monumental to me and it was that lifechange to myself, to who I was and am today because of that moment!
I've know all my life that I like guys sexually, since I was 5 years old looking at a kids penis in Mcdonalds in Taiwan. I've always hid that side, I repressed it and tried so hard to be straight all my life. I fought the gay impulses and it was a horrible battle that last 28 years and lead me to an actual jail cell. It was a horrible punishment, ending with me in jail for 28 long, painful hours. I was engaged at that time, to a beautiful girl I was dating for 6 years. I was put in that jail because my repressed emotions came out violently against my best friend, my Best Man, a guy that I loved and secretly wanted in a deeper way.
It's a long story and I gladly tell that story when asked but to keep it simple here. I was released from jail, I realized why I hurt my best friend, why I became so evil in one horrible moment of violence. I finally admitted to myself I was gay and I accepted that I was gay, as painful as it made me feel. I told my fiance' with tear filled eyes that I believe I was gay. I could not hurt her with lies anymore, lies to her and lies to myself.
I did the best I could to be honest and do the right thing. I proceeded to change my entire life for the better. A year after coming out to myself and my ex-fiance' I created this music video, planning to come out publicly in it. To become an 'honest artist', an artist unafraid of his own talents for once. I believe being gay has given me unique tools and perspective as an artist, I personally believe this and I know my art has indeed improved in so many ways. I am not afraid to speak my mind, to tell a story, to be creative, to act in a manner that I once thought was 'gay' and wrong for me to be like. I accept myself now and I've realized how amazing life can be when you follow your heart. When you speak the truth about yourself, even if you tell no one but your own self. Just love you for who you are and use those talents to help yourself and others, it's what I've done.
I thought I was put in jail on that awful night, I sat there for 28 hours and when I was released, I realized I was returning to another kind of prison, a self-created one that I had built up pretending to be straight in all my ways in my previous life. So I got out of jail and soon after, I released myself and my heart from my own personally created prison. Thank you for reading and listening to my humble story. I want to leave you with what I was forced to learn, love yourself, love others, be honest and you will have a beautiful life beyond your wildest dreams. You will love life as much as I do and be blessed in many ways through your work. Thanks and I wish you the best in your own travels through your life, it's hard but I'm here to help others!
-Nicholas W. Stamps
Spending the day with studying the history of movie theaters, movie Palaces & Nickelodeons...I love my life in cinema, it's history, present & future. Someday I'll direct the holographic 'movies' where you 'plug-in' to the world in the film and YOU are in control of the movie, in a whole new sense. What will films in 2040 be like? I know!
WoW, Now this IS a 'Movie Palace' at one time in history, the theaters were the main thing about seeing a movie, you wore your best clothes, the theaters offered free child care & you felt like royalty! I rarely go to the movies these day but I'd go daily if we still saw 'pictures' like this!
I'm really shocked, watching this film I made back in 1997, we didn't write or plan ANYTHING for this film, we were kids playing around & I turned my camera on! Glad I have this part of my childhood saved forever!
Slicing open this huge watermelon, I sliced open my finger really bad, been a long day with my Mom being in the hospital for surgery. Difficult times ahead but always helps to great friends to support you, even if it just means taking over dramatic photos after I dropped that yummy melon but still ate the top! Love you my Friends!
MY BEST work to date, it incorporates over 15 years of my videos! I created it all in a few hours one night, I was possesed by the video muses and they worked their magic thru me so perfectly!
Outside the club Cherry Bomb...I passed out in the bushes from chugging vodka...I had a dream I'd be gay one day & I'd have so0o much more fun than pretending to be straight! I didn't believe that dream. I had to go to jail & forced to be gay & accept it/myself but turns out I AM having MORE fun, I NEVER WANNA GO HOME, I'm forever 18 years old!
People really don't understand this simple yet complex video, even the Starr of this film didn't 'get it' but she's a person I will always be a friend to, even if she hurts me & hates me, I only try to help my friends & loved ones!
I can't believe this is my own work!!! My #SECRETPROJECT is amazing, my two best friends & I are going to create some magic with this work and I promise it's so0o0o gonna be worth the wait & struggle WE endure to create movie making magic! I AM A WITCH! Like a true Pagan/Wiccan!
Check IT OUT! Here's my epic "Lawnton Street Variety Show" Playlist! Here's a 8 demo videolist that give you a special & unique look into my childhood! It's a very special project I shot in 1998 & completed in 2008!
WoW! Did I really just take a silent film, a classic 1920's epic Sci-Fi story and bring that into the clubs of the 22nd Century!? I'm goood, I'm NikNyK!
I made a playlist of 8 video parts that give you a sense of what the complete 17 part 'Lawnton Street Variety Show' would be like. Many of the films have not been released due to privacy concerns, Enjoy!
WOW...I was drawn back today, by "The Woman in the Wilderness" I heard her Siren's call! I don't know why I start re-watching my own work from 2001-2007 BUT I realized John Kelpius mighta died in his dank Cave of Tuberculosis but for some bizarre reason I watched these old films I made just today and just today I got a TB Tuberculosis Test today at the clinic! At least I won't die of TB even if I mighta been John Kelpius in another Lifetime but that's another story/Blog!
Monday, June 24, 2013
OMFGDid I really MAKE THIS? I haven't watched it in years & I am urged to return to Kelpius Cave, The Woman in the Wilderness beckons me from the woods, I hear her at night......
Here's my VERRY first music video I shot on Super8 Film in 1998. I've written a millions words on this magical year in my life, so now here's a look at how I started my career without a typical NyK lecture!
It was one of the greatest years of my life, it was one of the worst years of my life!
My female best friend sure knows me, BUT I swear I'ma do ALLL my chores today, It's "Scrubbing Day" as Pipi would say. Being like a month into not having constant back pain, I'm finally getting back to the things I once did for Work & Play & Love ! People don't know many of the secrets I once hid, like my feelings for guys but now that SO much of my life is in the open & free to comment on, I live a more honest life that's more fun than I ever had as a secret homo. It's a life that's honest & fun and here to inspire you to also live the life of your Dreams, cause YOU can! I just had a chat with my amazing Mother and walked into my kitchen where I run my 'Empire' from. I saw a "Single Rainbow" and I "Turned my Camera on" So hopefully I will be famous and do my very best to make this world a better place! -Nicholas Stamps Nik Channel on YouTube!
I CAN'T wait to release my #SECRETPROJECT I promise it'll be epic & life changing! Now my back is fixed, I gotta prove to the world I am a man of my word & I can/WILL change this world for the BETTER!
My friend's father and I so agree with all he has to say! My ancestor Richard Henry Lee who was a signer of Declaration of Independence so I've always been very interested in American History & it's future & someday I WILL do political films but not yet, gotta have more of a following first but I'll do a film for him someday soon!
Best Part, when he flushes the toilet but he's a great man & he's a great orator!
Ohhh NikNyk you and Carole seem to have so0o much fun I wish I wasn't one of them!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Has anyone ever told you that, you were special? Has a stranger approached you in a SuperMarket, tell you
"You're special, you have 12 angels watching you"
Then left, leaving you wanting to know more but knowing she's not the first to randomly say that special comment. Here's an amazing life changing music video posted at the top and a different one below, at end of this long blog, I contacted the editor of it, cause he's gifted, talented and he's "special" he's better than others and destined for greatness in his life! He is a stranger to me as I am to him but his work inspired me with my own video work and contacting him inspired this first blog after having a empty blog since 2010. Here's his page for video editing:
I have been blessed to have the internet in my lifetime, because with it, we can reach out to people in life and "Hollywood" that we viewers could never contact before, it's amazing! With my job profession, it's amazing for connections, I make my life and career on a job that's based on "luck" & proper connections. Anyone can be famous but few get the means to prove themselves in that craft. "Music fame" is not based on degrees like being a doctor is. You can't become a doctor by knowing some DJ who played your 'demo' at a club party. That's how Madonna did it, with being homeless in NYC in the early 80's. She ran away from home in Detroit and arrived with $30 in NYC. She got lucky but she also had the talent to stay in the spotlight for 30 years. She's not hot or a talented singer, her biggest talent is ambition, drive & business sense. How many pretty girls had one hit wonders in the 80's Being in the "Hollywood" world is a business based on luck & being in the right place. Today "Hollywood" that I used with quotations is right in front of you, the internet & computers! "Hollywood" is not that ghetto town in California, it's an idea, a life style and most of all, a dream.
Today you can make a demo on a laptop and become Lady Gaga. You can create video that is as perfect as what a million dollar studio factory could create. You can record an album with better technology that The Beatles had at Abbey Road Studios. We have a new world where your next door neighbor could create a better album than The Beatles. The pursuit of the "Hollywood" dream starts at home today. I grew up in a special age. I was born in 1982, the year Madonna started her career. The year I was born some of the greatest 'New Hollywood' movies came out. New Hollywood was the independent movie directors. Today these names sound like "Real" Hollywood directors. Lucas, Spielberg, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, Martin Scorsese!
Most average people don't take film school lessons & love/study Cinema history as I do. So these famous directors were once "independent directors" meaning they made films that Paramount & MGM didn't hire them to make. They worked on their own and made great films because they wanted to make them and loved the films they made so they were great works of art made in love, not greed. Those epic films that came out in my birth year of 1982 like E.T, Tron, Blade Runner, Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan, Poltergeist, Pink Floyd The Wall are my childhood "classics" but they were made mainly independent directors that started outside of the "Hollywood" dream factory. I also watched & loved the 'Wizard of OZ' from the 1930's. That film was made in the 'old Hollywood' the studio system. The Wizard of OZ had five different directors. It didn't matter to making that film a great classic film. Today films that are great are often written & directed by one person. It's a different/new kind of art baby that best thrives with one father, one director. We have films like 'The Sixth Sense' by M. Night. We also had films like 'The BlairWith Project' that was an epic thing in the late 90's. The film itself is NOT what is so great, it was the fact the internet is what MADE that film great, created it & made tons of millions of dollars off a film that only cost $30k to shoot. It will be a part of Cinema History but the film won't be why it's a great film and piece of Cinema History. So today with those listed directors, in the end they have become the very Hollywood Studios they fought against.
So basically I'm trying to say, it's almost like if the internet was around in the 1970's these directors would probably have released those epic films, that we regard as classic works of art on the INTERNET! Such world changing films as the very first Star Wars film would be first released on the internet in 1977! You think it sounds nuts but we live in an age where the internet makes people millionaires for selling crafts on Esty, not to mention the creator of Esty probably makes more and he was once my best friend and a young nobody but a genius all along!
So someday in 2030 people might look back and love films that were released in a new way, they will talk about a film that was released on the web in the year 2020 as one of the greatest films ever made. We live in a changing world, the "Hollywood Dream" is available to anyone who wants it. Any kid who dreams of being the next pop star should know Justin Bieber started his career with posting videos on YouTube and now makes millions cause Usher saw him. Even if he's not a true artist, he's that someone in the right place at the right time. You can tell your children, stat singing, writing & posting online and maybe Justin Bieber might watch your videos and make you the next big thing once his career ends in a way, he'll help others like he made it through posting videos online!
We can all make a film with better special effects than the original Star Wars, even with Lucas crazy reworking it later. I was able to make my former best friend hold a real looking lightsaber using rotoscoping techniques on my home PC in 1999 and I also understood, that if I wanted to do that verry same 'special effect' back in 1982, I would NEED to have a studio, million dollar film equipment and if you know what rotoscoping involves, TIME....lots and lots of time! So today, I could make a film with better special effects than Star Wars had in 1977 but it wasn't just the effects that made that film epic & live on forever. It's the story, actors and effects that made that a Hollywood Classic, society will never forget. A new Star Wars film is coming out in 2014 and I doubt you can name another Sci-Fi film from the 70's that is still going strong with new material coming out! But I'm trying to prove is that someday it won't be 'only in theaters' someday people will see a new amazing film because it went viral and was posted by their friends on their facebook wall.
We live in a new world and if you want to make films, you don't go to the town of Hollywood, CA. You don't even have to go to film school, you can pick up your phone and start shooting right NOW. Whether you film something good is up to online media. You could go make video, go viral being stupid on YouTube and make a million dollars if only a few of those countless millions of viewers click a link and buy a T-shirt with your face & a quote on the shirt if you make something as funny as "Ain't nobody's got time for that"
I have never gambled in my life, I went to Las Vegas but only agreed to play the slots cause the server would not give me free drinks unless I gambled. But I do gamble with my life, everyday! I am paid & have a house, have my entertainment but I want more, I want fame but only cause I know it'll help me change the world for the better! I once wanted "fame" but it was for all the wrong reasons. I changed my mind and now it follows my heart, so I know now that even with or without "Hollywood Fame" I am famous and I can make the world better! I have the internet, I 'have' all those eyes & minds who even read this far, I also know how to make amazing videos. So I can be famous right now, I just have to start acting like I am 'famous' and start spreading my message with the fame tool I use daily, the internet.
So here I am, I'm Nicholas Stamps but you know me as Nik but my secret fame monster is named NyK, I rarely let him out as Nyk gets Nicholas & Nik in trouble but he loves and demands the spotlight! So the below video is amazing and something I wish & strive to do myself. Also I am gay but if you're a straight male viewer you're in luck, you'll only see women in my own videos I make, mainly hot sexy strong independent women!
Being gay I can't work with hot sexy AB-tastick guys like in the following music video. I can't handle editing sexy men in pics/videos. I don't think I need to explain why but it makes me understand why hot girls have gay male friends, we can help them look even hotter and don't have any desire to fuck them after we spend all day helping them shop for the perfect heels & pick out 20 outfits in a row. We know the straight guys will go nuts when you wear those heels & that dress on your date. But being a gay friend to that girl, we know that the dress perfectly matches and pays tribute to 'Marilyn Monroe's Gentlemen Prefer Blonds' movie. But question if he's gay, if that boyfriend thinks the dress matches Madonna's Material Girl music video and rather watch videos on YouTube than have sex with you at the end of the girl's date with him!
So I know if I helped a gay lover of mine pick out the right 3 piece suit & sexy boxer briefs, I would have to not let that hot lover wear that outfit out the house, as it's driving me nuts makes me sexually charged up. So if you understand that scenario, you'll not ask why do I only seem to have females in my own films I make or photos I take. I never do male photography, as my sexual feelings would distract me from knowing the proper background color in a shoot or fumble with the camera just to stare at him. I am a guy and can't think with the brain once the blood leaves it to go to my penis. LoL So please watch and subscribe to this blog if you wanna follow me in a longer format. As you see I love to write, so you'll hear my rants and hopefully grow as a person through reading my take on life in this blog! I love you, yes you reading this, if I don't know you personally, introduce yourself digitally & I'll tell you how much I love you! If I like who you are and think you are in need of a personal relationship, I'll spend hours talking to you in person. I am a lot to handle & intense cause I believe I'm special cause a lady told a story on Coast to Coast AM radio show about someone telling her she had 12 angels watching her and it inspired me to write this first blog!
Below is a music video that inspired me to write my first blog after having a blank blog since 2010. I love it, hot guys and Gaga work for me but the editor who took all these pieces and made them cross over to higher art in using them to tell a story. It's not easy to do, I've seen a million 'fan videos' taking bits from other great music videos and ruins the image and song. It take true genius to take an amazing song and take it to another higher level. Few people can do it but Panos T is a genius master who can do it & make it amazing!